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- 1 Dermaglow Facial
- 1 Bodyglow Exofliation
- 1 Microdermabrasion combined with the latest glowing/hydrating formula for a younger flawless skin
- 1 organic body exfoliation with deep hydration for a silky/younger body skin
- 120 minutes
- $170 ($245 value)
- Two weeks suggested “Italian Dimagrire” diet plan
- 2 Spirulina/Dead Sea Salts Body Wrap with foot massage
- 4 Cavitation/ Vacuum/ Lypossage sessions
- $550 ($850 value)
- 5 DermaGlow / Anti-Againg facials
- One of the top anti-aging micro facials to target collagen and eslatin production, plump skin appearance and deep hydration
- Reccomended also for Acneic skin
- 60 minutes
- $590 ($800 value)
- Get 1 complimentary Vuelve a la Vida Facial with your 4 series package
- $720 ($900 value)
- 3 Therapeutic Massage
- 60 minutes
- $289 ($390 value)
- Get 1 complimentary Vuelve a la Vida Facial ($180 value)
- Get 1 complimentary Dead Sea Salts Body wrap ($85 value)
- $550 ($850 value)